Message from the directors
Ethics only exists if it is practiced to the full; when it only exists in speech, it becomes an example of hypocrisy. There's no point in criticizing the current system if you're not willing to be part of the solution. And not just as an adjunct, but as a driving force.
Preaching honesty and encouraging compliance rules when in practice attitudes run directly counter to this context, serves only to illustrate yet another example of discourse out of step with actions.
Ethics cannot compromise, it does not accept flexibility, it is implacable!
Corruption and other harmful practices will only be reduced if they are tackled transparently and directly, with a fierce fight against them and repeated denunciations. Our business model is to offer our public and private clients quality solutions - products and services - with high added value and fair prices. No other variable enters into our cost composition.
LGK was founded in 2010. Its growth has been built on a strong ethical foundation and it is proud of the fact that there has been no blemish of any kind throughout its history. Our commitment is to continue following the path of ethics, honesty and uprightness in our business, alerting and denouncing anything that falls outside legal compliance.